A growing section of the population is seriously considering running a business from their home. The daily grind, inconvenient work hours, office politics and excess stress are just a few of the reasons for the rise in home businesses. There are many advantages to working from a home office. Below, you will find some benefits that may just help you to decide to take the plunge, and start your own home business.

Be Your Own Boss
If you are weary of answering to a grumpy, over-worked superior who barely knows your name, you will enjoy the chance to be your own boss. You get to make the important decisions, choose your work hours and leave the stress of the corporate world behind. That can be a great feeling!
The Comforts of Home
If you work from home, the comforts you will enjoy will be real perks compared to the annoyances of a desk job. You can get out of bed, and start your work day in your jammies, if you choose. No more suits and ties, expensive wardrobes or fancy hairdos. If you work from a computer, you can work right from you own couch, or comfortable desk chair. Just be sure to shower, and keep up the personal hygiene!
Work Expenses
Many 9-5 escapees find that they save a tremendous amount of money when they leave their old work expenses behind for a home office. With gas prices climbing higher every day, the cost of driving to work can cost hundreds of dollars per month. The cost of a work wardrobe, including suits, shoes, manicures and hairdos add up as well. Business lunches are another expense you can trade for home-cooked meals.
Sure, a home business will include its share of stress, but studies show that people who spend their work hours in jobs outside the home experience a higher level of stress than those who choose a home business. The pressures of deadlines, layoffs and even having to miss work because of illness can all cause excessive stress that can endanger your health.
Tax Perks
When you run a home business, you can take advantage of several tax deductions that will help to offset your self-employment taxes. A percentage of the square footage of your home can be deducted, a portion of your utilities, even your office furniture, computers and supplies can mean savings for you at tax time. Just be sure that you only write off items that are used exclusively for your business, or office.
Business Choices
As a home business owner, you can choose from a myriad of great business ideas. Some of these include: Medical billing, home daycare, hair stylist, pet sitter, and the list goes on.
Staying Home With the Children
If you are a mother whose husband works outside the home, you may be reluctant to leave a baby, or young child with a sitter while you go to work. Working from home means being available to your kids, working your schedule around their activities, and being there to see important milestones in their lives.
It is clear that a home business offers many advantages over jobs in the outside workforce. If you choose to set up a home business, these benefits will certainly make it worth your while!
The Components to Starting a Home Business
Any individual that is considering a home business recognizes that it offers exciting opportunities and a sense of overwhelm. There are many issues to deal with during the process of starting up an at-home business to be successful. Determining exactly what type of home business is the first step in generating income, by working in the house.
Many individuals want to be their own boss, and work in the comfort of their own home. To do that means they need to start up a successful home business that can generate enough income to quit their daily position at work. The process can be simplified by taking a few steps including performing research, developing a plan, finding funding, and getting started.
The first step in deciding the best home business to start up requires research. Search online for available services and products that you can provide or sell. Services often require an exceptional amount of time, but only needs minimal startup money. Alternatively, selling products over the Internet, or in the local community, requires a high volume of startup money, but a reduced amount of sweat equity.
Developing a Plan
Developing a quality business plan will help maximize the potential of success. Every detail about the startup home business should be included in the plan. The plan should involve exactly how the startup home business will be set up, the tools that will be used in place, and how financing will be acquired. Greater success can be achieved by having a well-executed plan, designed to work right from the start.
Finding the Funding
Nearly every type of home business requires some type of financing to get started. It is often the most challenging step in the startup process. It is helpful to have an effective budget, and not beginning this new venture on a shoestring. Take the time and effort necessary to secure all the required monies to purchase equipment, inventory and advertising. There should be additional funds that are available to handle any type of operating cost and unexpected expense during the first few months. There should also be enough money in the funding to provide an ample salary for you and every employee.
Getting Started
After selecting the best service or product to provide the local or worldwide community, and developing a quality plan, you found the funding to begin the entire process. Let everyone know, including family and friends, that you are ready to begin your home business. Many of them want to become involved in your exciting journey, and might want to invest in the project.
The major step to creating a successful home business is to market the company like crazy. Most home-based businesses become unsuccessful simply because they were never marketed correctly. Without the public realizing you have services or products to offer them to make their lives easier, no one will call or place an order.
To be successful in a home business requires serious effort, energy and time. With the right capital, and a high level of motivation, it is possible to create a successful home business.