When I pictured myself as a working adult when I was little, I always imagined me having some glamorous nine to five job, complete with commute and lunch breaks. Ironically enough, I’ve only had two jobs like that so far in my adult life…and both were part time. Because of the tanking economy, I’ve had to start a multitude of home businesses to keep myself afloat. Right now my main businesses are self-publishing, freelance editing, and writing web content.

Self-publishing is my true passion out of the three. I spend about a full nine hours of my day on it. It’s very rewarding, and my dream has always been to be an author. Well, now I am. I do everything myself, aside from having an editor I outsource that to. Otherwise, I do all my own writing, a lot of my own editing, my own cover designing, my own ebook formatting, and my own marketing. It’s hard work but I love it. There’s nothing better than having readers contacting you and telling you how much they love your work.
The editing is something I do because it pays well and I’m good at it. However, it’s hard to get your name out there and convince people to hire you. Getting clients is half the battle. But once you have a few dedicated clients, you can sometimes charge up to $100 to proof a short story. The only other thing is that it can be really mentally draining, and if you’re like me and bid yourself as someone with a high turn around, everything has to stop cold for you to work nonstop on a story that you might not even like. That’s part of the business, though.
The content writing is what makes me the most writing, however. I do it between editing projects and when I’m taking breaks from writing and marketing. What I like about content writing is that it pays quickly and you get to write about a variety of topics. It varies between being about things you know a lot about and things you know nothing about and have to research. I like both equally. Things I know about get knocked out quickly while I get to learn interesting and new things through research.
I’ve been doing these things for over a year now, and I can’t imagine life any other way. When I remember that as a kid I wanted to work for someone else, I laugh. Working at home lets me set my own hours, my own breaks, and be as comfortable as I want. I am responsible for myself, and that’s how I like my life. Taxes are a pain to sort out, and sometimes you’re not sure if you’re going to pay the bills, but it’s all worth it in the end.
For anyone looking to start their own home business, all I can advise is that you do what you love and are good at. The money and experience will gradually come.
Starting Your Home Based Business Right
When you are about to start a new business that requires sales leads, you should start off on the right foot by going to a company that will provide you with quality leads. The thing to remember when starting any business is to find a company that will provide you with quality sales leads. These sales leads will give you customers who will support your business.
When you take a look at other successful businesses on the internet you will soon realize how important it is to have people visit your website. When you hire a company to find these people it will allow you to focus your valuable time on more important areas of your business. These companies will be working behind the scenes obtaining you qualified leads to help your business grow.
In today’s fragile economy, many people are venturing into their own business opportunity as a way to support their families. The reason for this may be that they have lost their job or maybe they are just fed up with working for someone else. When they decide to venture out on their own, to be their own boss, they will encounter a multitude of various types of business opportunities. Some of these businesses are not very good choices as they are hard to understand and to succeed. On the other hand, others may be just the perfect fit for you and your family.
Whichever opportunity you decide upon, the fact is that all of these types of sales ventures will require clients or customers to buy your product or service. That is it why it is so important to choose a reliable and proven company that can provide good qualified sales leads.
It is very easy to get started collecting those leads that will target your specific market. Simple turn on your computer and go to a few of the lead suppliers and sign up for their free information package by entering your name and email address. Click the send button and you will be on your way to financial security and freedom for you and your family. This will save you valuable time and money by allowing you to spend your time wisely, especially at the beginning when you are getting things up and running.
The leads provided by these companies will be 100% beneficial for your company because they will be honest to goodness real live people who have expressed a desire to get involved in whatever product or service that you have. There will be no tire kickers found in your list of leads. Tire kickers are people who have no intention of buying; they only want to waste your precious time.
As mentioned the leads that you will be provided will be from people who have purchased products and services just like your website offers. These leads are from people just like you, people who are searching for a better way of life. People who want to get off that financial treadmill to nowhere.