Everybody is on a budget which often means that we cut corners just to save a buck or two. More often than not these shortcuts can end up costing us much more than it was worth to begin with and nowhere is this more true than in the home improvement industry.

Builders, plumbers, electricians and other household industries have developed a very bad reputation over the years for delivering less than the best service. However, I don’t believe that all of them are entirely to blame and that homeowners often turn on these tradesmen as a result of their own frugality.
My Grandfather always used to say “If you buy cheap, you get cheap.” This does not necessarily mean that you need to opt for the most expensive home improvement products and services. Neither does it mean that you will be getting the best when you pay the most.
There is a happy medium where you will find fair quotations for good reliable labor as well as the products you need for your home improvement. There are also ways in which you can take control of your home improvement needs to make sure it is done right the first time.
Word of mouth is still the best way to market a good product so make sure that you choose household products that are well known and have a good reputation in the industry. Be sure to ask any tradesmen for any references they may have and check on those references to ensure that they are fair.
Be sure to check up on those references in person. In other words show up at jobs previously listed by the tradesmen, checkout the quality of their work and ask questions such as whether the project was completed on time and whether the relevant tradesman was professional and courteous in his or her dealings.
If you can’t find reliable references take a walk around your neighborhood and find properties that have recently been renovated and look in good shape. Pop a note into the postbox and ask if the homeowner would be willing to contact you with the name and contact information for their contractor. You will be surprised how often people are willing to forward details of a job well done.
Don’t just accept the first quote that you are given. Compare at least three quotes and make sure to take into account any guarantees for products and labor as well as value added services that may be included in the quote. For example, if you are buying carpeting find out if the installation is included in the quote.
Last but by no means least, don’t attempt any home improvements yourself if you don’t know what you are doing. This is especially important for the plumbing and electrical in your home but can have just as many disastrous consequences for a building project.
Take control of your own home improvement and make sure that everything is done right the first time.
Home Improvement – Painting 101
When it comes to applying paint to your walls there are many things to get your walls looking their best. The following article will discuss how to make your walls look their best the next time you paint. Continue reading for expert tips to get your walls ready for a new coat of paint.
Remove All Nails From Your Walls
Before beginning any painting project, you need to get your walls ready for the paint. The first step in wall preparation is to remove all photographs and shelves from your walls. Then, you will need to remove all the nails from your walls. Removing the nails will ensure that you can quickly and effortlessly roll the primer and paint onto your walls.
Cover Any Holes
Once all the nails are removed, it is time to begin filling the nail holes. This can be accomplished with a bucket of joint compound and a putty knife. To fill the holes simply get a small amount of joint compound on your putty knife and press into the hole. Then, take your putty knife and gently scrape over the area to remove the excess joint compound. Allow to dry completely. Then, gently remove any excess joint compound from the wall using a damp rag.
All traces of oil should be removed from your walls before painting. To ensure that your walls are ready for paint, wash your walls using a degreaser. After you have washed your walls, rinse them well and allow to dry completely before beginning to paint.
Priming your walls with a good primer is the first line of defense for beautiful walls. For best results, apply at least two coats of primer to your walls before painting. Each coat of primer should be allowed to dry for a minimum of 4 hours before applying the next coat. Additionally, lightly sanding your walls after each coat of primer will help ensure your walls are perfectly smooth.
Painting Supplies
It is now time to begin gathering your painting supplies. You will need several old rags to clean up any spills. Also, get a variety of brushes. These brushes should include a 4 inch wide brush to help trim out along the baseboards and ceilings. You will also need an angled brush to trim out around windows and door frames. Next, you will need a high quality roller along with a paint tray. Many people also prefer to have a pouring spout for the top of their paint can. A spout allows you to pour the paint without accidentally spilling any. Finally, you will need either a painter’s tarp or an old sheet to protect your floors from any drips.
After you have done the aforementioned steps and gathered your painting supplies, you are ready to begin painting your walls. Invite a few friends over and crank up the radio to help your painting day go by quickly. You will be rewarded with freshly painted walls and a beautiful interior.